kids joke of the day | funny joke of the day |  short joke of the day

वैसे तो हरियाणा की मानुषी छिल्लर मिस वर्ल्ड 2017 चुनी गई है ...
फिर भी हरियाणा के ताऊओं के लिए सपना चौधरी ही मिस वर्ल्ड है ! 😍😂😁😀😂

Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. "Wake up, son."

Mom: Son, get up its time to go to College.

Son: No mom. I dont want to go to College.

Mom: Give me 2 reason why dont u want to go to college.

 1. All students hate me.
 2. The whole staff hates me.

Mom: Ooh! Thats not a reason. Come on. You must go to college.

Son: Give me 2 reasons why I should go to college.

 1. You are 57 years old.
 2. You are the PRINCIPAL of the college!!!

पर्ची 📄पे लिख्या #नंबर📝 तो 
हाथ ✋ए म रह गया
तेरे😐 त ना #पटणी💟 बेटा 
जाते जाते #कंडक्टर 👲 भी कह गया ।।